Narration Change / Direct Speech & Indirect Speech [ CLICK HERE ]


Narration Change [ Direct & Indirect ]

"Narration Change" ভালোভাবে বোঝার জন্য, আমি YouTube  কয়েকটি ক্লাস আপলোড করেছি :-

Click on the below Link for watching : 
[ Playlist of " Narration Change " : 6 Parts [videos] are there ]

The process of changing Direct speech to Indirect speech or Indirect speech to Direct speech without changing the core meaning of the speaker’s words is known as Narration change.

বক্তার শব্দের মূল অর্থ পরিবর্তন না করে প্রত্যক্ষ বক্তৃতাকে পরোক্ষ বক্তৃতায় বা পরোক্ষ বক্তৃতাকে প্রত্যক্ষ বক্তৃতায় পরিবর্তন করার প্রক্রিয়াটিকে Narration Change বলা হয়।

In Detail :

Direct Speech

The exact same words are quoted using direct speech. When writing in direct speech, we enclose the said words in quotation marks (“”) and leave them alone. We might be writing in inverted commas what is being said (for instance, during a phone call) or subsequently enquiring about a past conversation.

For example : She said " I like food." 

Indirect Speech

We use indirect speech when we don’t use the exact copy of the speaker’s words. In simple words, we can say that in indirect speech we convey what someone has said but in our own words. No inverted commas will be used in indirect speech. Instead of commas ‘that’ conjunction will be used.

For example :
 She said " I like food." [ Direct Speech ] & She said that she liked food. [ Indirect Speech ]

[ Note : For Translating the English sentences, first copy the sentence then click on the Link : [ Google Translator ]
and Paste there and select the language. ]
